L | ||
Lachapelle, Gabriel | 734 | |
Laite, Lars P. | 512 | |
Lalle, John | 671, 673, 675 | |
Lamb, William | 734 | |
Lambert, Oliver C. | 734 | |
Lamphier, Charles H. | 734 | |
Lang, George | 692 | |
Larson, Charlie | 684 | |
Larson, Henry | 685 | |
Larson, Herman | 684 | |
Larson, Lars A. | 734 | |
Larson, Ole | 734 | |
Lashwoski | 695 | |
Lashwoski, Herman | 693 | |
Lass, Anna | 687 | |
Lass, William | 686 | |
Lass, Wm. | 686, 687 | |
Lawrence, George | 734 | |
Le Seur | 201 | |
Leamatta, Olof | 675 | |
Learman, George A. | 324 | |
Leavitt, Blanche | 679 | |
Leavitt, M. S. | 678, 679 | |
Legardieur, Augustin | 201 | |
Legos, Benjamin | 734 | |
Leithiser, Bartholomew | 602, 603 | |
Lemire | 201 | |
Leperd, Jacob | 734 | |
Lethenstrom, John | 326 | |
Leupp, (Indian Commissioner) | 198 | |
Lewis, A. K. | 690 | |
Lewis, Kelly | 689 | |
Lewis, Marshall J. | 734 | |
Liddy, Patrick E. | 734 | |
Lie, John | 531 | |
Lievi | 695 | |
Lindner, Mrs. William | 603 | |
Lindo, Charles | 734 | |
Lindo, William | 734 | |
Little Englishman | 220, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 640 | Sha-gah-nansh-eence, William Morrison |
Lord, Rev. Dr. | 225, 317 | |
Louden, Alexander | 326, 734 | |
Louden, Thomas | 326 | |
Lovely, Danford | 734 | |
Lucas, Thomas | 734 | |
Lukenbill, J. C. | 734 | |
Lullus | 202 |
M | ||
Ma-king | 213, 214 | |
Mackenzie, Alexander | 210 | |
Malone, James | 734 | |
Maltby, Dexter J. | 734 | |
Mansfield | 695 | |
Mansikka, John | 681 | |
Marjama, Michael | 671, 675 | |
Martin, C. W. | 696 | |
Martin, Edward L. | 734 | |
Martin, George J. | 734 | |
Martin, P. W. | 692, 693 | |
Martin, Penn. W. | 692 | |
Martin, Peter | 734 | |
Martin, T. J. | 322, 325 | |
Martin, Thomas F. | 734 | |
Martin, Thomas J. | 322 | |
Mason, Charles | 734 | |
Mason, Ira W. | 734 | |
Mason, James | 734 | |
Mattila, Henry | 679, 681 | |
Mattila, Katarena | 679 | |
Matzdorf, A. | 602 | |
Maunu | 673 | |
Maunu, John | 671, 672 | |
May-dway-we-nind | 207 | |
Mayer, Clement | 734 |
McAlister, A. S. | 326 | |
McArthur, Archibald | 275, 320, 328 | |
McArthur, Archie | 602 | |
McCarthy, Clarence | 320 | |
McClelland, Eunice | 456 | |
McClelland, John | 456 | |
McClelland, John M. | 456 | |
McDonald, Donald | 220, 277 | |
McDonald, John | 734 | |
McDonald, Malcolm | 734 | |
McDonell, Archibald B. | 456 | |
McDonell, Donald J. | 456 | |
McDonell, Duncan | 456 | |
McDonell, Finlay | 456 | |
McDonell, John A. B. | 456 | |
McDonell, William | 456 | |
McDonough, Peter | 734 | |
McDonough, Thomas | 456 | |
McDonough, William | 734 | |
McDougal, Duncan | 734 | |
McDougal, George | 277 | |
McDougall, Donald | 700 | |
McDowell, W. P. | 734 | |
McGill, (Gov.) | 16 | |
McGrew, James G. | 734 | |
McIntyre | 693 | |
McKay, Robert G. | 734 | |
McKenzie | 600 | |
McKenzie, James | 734 | |
McKinley, Flora | 679 | |
McKinley, George | 734 | |
McKinley, S. S. | 679 | |
McKinley, Seymour | 734 | |
McKinley, Squire S. | 734 | |
McKinstry, Lester C. | 326 | |
McKinstry, William P. | 326 | |
McLeod, William W. | 734 | |
McMartin, Wm. | 531 | |
McNulty, M. D. | 692 | |
McVicker, Alexander (Mrs.) | 736 | |
McVicker, (Mrs.) | 736 | |
McVicker,, Alexander | 734 | |
Meile, Alfred | 604 | |
Meili, Alfred | 603 | |
Meilie, Alfred | 329, 605 | |
Merriam, (Gov) | 16 | |
Merry | 530 | |
Miller, Fred | 734 | |
Miller, Henry | 325, 734 | |
Miller, Robert | 734 | |
Misquadace | 206 | |
Mix, Annis | 224 | |
Mix, David | 224 | |
Mix, David (Mrs.) | 224 | |
Monsieur de Borieguillot | 201 | |
Moore, John | 734 | |
Moore, John G. | 734 | |
Moores | 696 | |
Moos, Peter | 692 | |
Morison, Geo. A. | 232 | |
Mork | 594 | |
Mork, Anna | 598 | |
Mork, Frederick | 598 | |
Mork, Fredrick | 598 | |
Morrison, Allan | 226, 230, 640 | |
Morrison, Daniel R. | 734 | |
Morrison, Donald George | 231 | |
Morrison, G.A. | 700 | |
Morrison, Geo. A. | 641 | |
Morrison, Jos. | 231 | |
Morrison, Richard | 231 | |
Morrison, William | 220, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 640 | Sha-gah-nansh-eence, Little Englishman |
Morrison, Wm. | 641 | |
Morton, W. R. | 734 | |
Munson, Ole | 456 | |
Myers, Fred | 687 | |
Myers, J. W. | 9 |
Index: Abbey to Burlingame
Index: Cain to Evans
Index: Fairbanks to Huss
Index: Idell to Kynsijarvi
Index: Narum to Russell
Index: Salg to Swetland
Index: Tallmadge to Zeck