A Pioneer History of
Becker County

Index - Idell to Kynsijarvi

A B C D E F G H I J K L M Mc


Idell, Lewis 734
Imhoff, Fred 692
Irish, David L. 734
Irish, William 734
Irving, Washington 201
Isaacson, J. 317
Isola, William 684
Isola, Wm. 685

Jacob, Gaston 676
Jacobs, Frank 734
Jacobson, August 681
Jacobson, Chris. 675
Jacobson, Chris. (Mrs.) 675
Jacobson, Gus 531
Jarvimaki, Andrew 683, 685
Jarvis, J. O. 734
Jeffrey, Mary 642
Jellum, Ellef N. 734
Jenkins, Henry S. 325
Jenson, Simon 598, 734
Jepson, George E. 326, 734
Johnson 418, 695
Johnson, Fred 373
Johnson, Thomas 671
Johnson, Anthony 598
Johnson, Carl J. 676
Johnson, Christina 596
Johnson, Edgar M. 734
Johnson, Festus 734
Johnson, Frank A. 325
Johnson, Fred 222
Johnson, Frederick 223
Johnson, George 734
Johnson, J. Peter 456
Johnson, John 671, 681
Johnson, John (Rev.) 225 Enmegahbowh
Johnson, John A. 734
Johnson, L. 598
Johnson, N. P. 598
Johnston, (Col.) 602
Johnston, Edgar M. 324
Johnston, George H. 325
Johnston, George H. (Colonel) 324, 326
Johnston, George H. J (Col.) 324
Johnston, George Henry 734
Jones, Harvey 222, 223
Jorden, E. L. 734
Joseph   230 Ay-gans
Joy, Silas S. 734
Junes, Olof 676
Justus, Daniel 734

Kab-a-mab-hie 212
Kalthoff, Henry 692, 693
Kangas, John 684
Karjala, Andrew 676
Karjala, Siffert 671, 675
Kastren, John 676
Keith, David 734
Keksi, Isaac 676
Kelsey, George 692
Kelsey, W. F. 692
Kennedy, George 325
Kimball 322
Kimball, Clarence 642
Kimpton, Ezekiel 734
King I. N. 734
King, James (Dr.) 736
King,  James M. 734
King, John 456
Kinney, Angeline 641, 679
Kinunen, Abel 683
Kinunen, Charley. 683
Kinunen, Gabriel 683, 685
Kinunen, Kerttu 683
Kittelson, Ole 510, 532, 533
Kittson, Elizabeth Ann 231
Kittson, N. W. 231
Knapp, Bell 690
Knapp, Elizabeth C. 689
Koivuniemi, Erick 676
Komulainen, Carl 684
Kortuna, Olof 675
Koskela, John 685
Krick, Barbara 602
Krick, Jacob 602
Kruse, Joseph 692
Kuha, Paul 675
Kuha, August 675
Kuha, John 675
Kuha, Paul 671, 675, 676
Kuha, Paul (Mrs.) 675
Kynsijarvi, Annie 675
Kynsijarvi, John 671

Index: Abbey to Burlingame
Index: Cain to Evans
Index: Fairbanks to Huss
Index: Lachapelle to Myers
Index: Narum to Russell
Index: Salg to Swetland
Index: Tallmadge to Zeck

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