A Pioneer History of Becker County


Anderson, Brede, 582.
* Anderson, Mrs. Brede, 372.
Anderson, Christen, 372.
Abbey, Capt. Joseph H., 472.
* Ashley, Leonard A., 281.
Baarstad, A., 518.
Baarstad, Mrs. A., 518.
Badger, 116.
Ball, Hon. W. F., 335.
Barnard, Leroy D., 639.
Beaulieu, Paul, 238.
Beaver, 139.
Becker, Gen. Geo. L., 14.
Berg, 0. 1., 424.
Bergerson, B. 0., 508.
Bittman, Mr. and Mrs. George, 694.
Bjorge, Ole, 413.
Boe, 0le A., 496.
Biorge, Christ E., 413.
Bjorge, Hon. Henry 0., 438.
Boanece, 402.
Bowker, Arra J., 318.
Bowker, Mrs. Nellie, 318.
Brown, Julius, 245.
Butler, Nathan, 243.
Canoe, 215.
Caribou, 64.
Chaijili, F. B., 321.
Chapin, F. B.
* Childs, Deacon S. B.; Four Generations, 364.
Chilton, Guy, 284.
Chilton, James G., 284.
Chilton, Mrs. James G., 284.
Chilton, William G., 281.
Christenson, Iver, and family, 482.
Churchill, Charles E., 281.
Clifford, Mrs. Delia A., 667.
Converse, M. S., 366.
Cook, John, 386.
Cook, Mrs. John, 386.
Collins, I. J., 295.
* Collins, Mrs. I. J., 295.
Cravath, Mrs. L. S., and daughter, 502.
Cromb, John, 413.
Crummett, Frank, 321.
Cutler, Mrs. Lois, 318.
Dezell, Mr. and Mrs. James, 624.
Dirkes, Rosa, 694.
Elk, 60.
Erickson, Daniel, 455.
Erickson. Erick, 455.
Erickson. Nels and family, 448.
Erickson, Ole and family, 450.
Evans, Edward, 645.
Evans, Fred, 644.
First Tax Receipt, facsimile, 570.
Fox, Black, 92.
Fox, Silver Gray, 90.
Frazee, Hon. R. L., 306.
French, John 0., 319.
Gould, Mr and Mrs Clayton, 316.
Grangruth Mr and Mrs. Wilhelm, 674.
* Gilbertson, Mr. and Mrs. John, 377.
Halgren, C. M., 455.
Halverson, Ole, 520.
Hanson. Hans, 478.
IIanson, Mrs. Hans, 478.
Hanson, Miss Mary A., 591.
Higbie, Albert F., 595.
Holmes, Hon. E. G., 335.
Holmes, Mrs. E. G., 335.
Horr, B. F., 628.
Horr, Mrs. B. F., 628.
Hole-in-the-day. 238.
Hought, Elber, 672.
Jahr, Mr. and Mrs. 0. J., 591.
Jarvimaki, Andrew, 682.
Jackobson, Peter, and family, 651.
Johnson, Frank A., 321.
Johnson, Mrs. John, 245.
Johnson, Rev. John, 245.
Johnston, Col. George H.
Jones, Katie, 646.
Kittelson, Ole. 511.
Knapp, Mrs. Elizabeth C., 688.
Knutson, Eriek. 455.
Kuha, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, 674.
Laite. Caroline, 511.
Laite, Lars P., 511.
Laite Mrs. Lars P., 511.
* Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J., 377.
Larson, Lars, 518.
Low1es, Mrs. Wesley, nee Frances Witter, 639.
Lynx, 77.
McClelland, Mr. and Mrs. John, 457.
McKinley, Maj. S. S., 609.
McKinstry, William P., 582.
McLeod, W. W. 478.
Map of Becker County, 11.
Matson, Knot, and family, 452.
Martin, Penn W., 692.
Martin, Thomas J., and family, 466.
Meilie, Alfred, 599.
Modern Load of Logs, 709.
Morrison, Allan, 266.
Morrison, Wm., 226.
* Morison, George A., 266.
Morrow, W. J. 383.
Moose, 56.
Nelson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Nub, 591.
Nelson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Nub, 591.
Northup, Anson, 218.
Nuener, Mr. and Mrs. George, 601.
Old Settlers, Group of, 370.
Olson, Erick, 455.
Olson, Martin, 509.
Olson, Mrs. Martin, 509.
Olson, Oleson, 516.
Oleson, Peter E., 521.
Oleson, Mrs. Peter E., 521.
Olson, Severt, and family, 448.
Otter, 112.
Palmer, Chas. S., 663.
Panther, 72.
* Peterson, Ole, 372.
* Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, 295
Pine Marten, 110.
Qualey, Ole F., 478.
Ramstad, Lars 0, 496.
Renwanz, Emma, 6.
Rossman, Mr. and Mrs. W. W., 364.
Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W., 609.
Schultz, Lizzie, 601.
Severtson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter, 446.
Sherbrook, Mr. and Mrs. (Isabel), and family, 446.
Sherman, Almon W., 316.
Sherman, C. A., 316.
Sherman, Mrs. Lois H., 318.
Shepard, F. M., 677.
Siegford, J. F., 608.
* Sletten, Paul C., 372.
Small, Capt. F. K., 386.
Small, Mrs. F. K., 386.
Snowshoe, 730.
Spears, Mrs. Julia A., 245.
Spencer, Charles E., 689.
Taylor, Oliver, 413.
Trading Post at Stony Ridge, Savannah, 697.
Trieglaff, August, and family, 302.
Warren, Truman A., 238.
Way, Henry, 316.
Way, Mrs. Jane, 318.
Wellman, Capt. D. L., 314.
West, Mrs. Jessie C., 335.
Western Land Improvement Association Stock Certificate
Weymouth, Mrs. Luther, 284.
White Cloud, 238.
Wilcox, Alvin H., frontispiece.
Wilcox, A. H., 544.
Wilcox, Mrs. A. H., 544.
Wilcox, C. P., 580.
Wilcox, Mrs. C. P., 544.
Wilcox, Hosmer H., 581.
Wilkins, Judge W. W., 505.
* Winram, James, 281.
Wolverine, 103.
Wood, Rev. John E., 362.

* Photograph is in the book but the name is not in the book's list of illustrations.