A Pioneer History of Becker County

Chapter XXII.

History of Audubon Township.

By Peter A. O. Peterson

The first settlers in Audubon Township, were Christen Anderson, John F. Beaver and Fred Johnson. Beaver and Anderson were both married men and their wives came with them, and they were the first white women to settle in what is now Audubon Township. There was also an infant girl in the Anderson family when they came. Her name is Annie.

Neither the township or section lines had been run in this part of the county, so none of these settlers had any means of knowing what section they were living on for a whole year.

These three settlers came to this township on the 28th of June, 1869.

Chist. Anderson took what is now the west half of the west half of Section 6; John Beaver the east half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 6; Fred Johnson located on the southeast quarter of Section 7.

Soon after this time a man by the name of Talmage, a single man of eccentric character squatted on what is now Section 20, and after living there less than a year in a dugout, left the country.

On the 6th of September, 1869, Buckley B. Anderson came into the township with his wife and family of eight children, five of whom were fully grown, and settled on what are now Sections 17 and 20. The oldest daughter of the Anderson, who is the wife of Jackson Burdick came with her husband and three children in the same party with the Andersons. Burdick took his land also on Section 17 and 20.

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