Land Entry File


LAND OFFICE at Crookston, Minn

Dec. 19 , 1879

No. 690

No. 3421

It is hereby certified That, pursuant to the provisions of Section No. 2291, Revised Statutes of the United States, Dugald Campbell ,
has made payment in full for
North 1/2 South East 1/4 & South 1/2 North East 1/4
of Section 36 , in Township No. 138
of Range No. 43 containing 160 acres.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN, That on presentation of this Certificate to the COMMISSIONER OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE, the said

Dugald Campbell

shall be entitled to a Patent for the Tract of Land above described.

Issue pat. to Dugald Campbell
as per signatures

Thos C. Shapleigh

Homestead - Final Certification that the Settler is Entitled to a Patent for the Tract of Land.

Notice the handwritten instructions to issue a Land Patent to the settler.

Note: Handwritten entries on the form are indicated by bold italics .

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