Land Entry File


The United States of America


Homestead Certificate No. 690.
Application 3421.

Whereas, there has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a CERTIFICATE of the Register of the Land Office at Crookston, Minnesota, whereby it appears that pursuant to the Acts of Congress approved 20th May, 1862, "To secure Homesteads to actual settlers on the public domain" and the acts supplemental thereto, the claim of Dugald Campbell
has been established and duly consummated in conformity to law for the north half of the south-east quarter and south half of the north-east quarter of Section thirty-six, in township one hundred and thirty-eight, of range forty-three, in the district of lands subject to sale at Crookston, Minnesota, containing one hundred and sixty acres

according to the Official Plat of the Survey of the said Land returned to the General Land Office by the SURVEYOR GENERAL.

Now know ye, That there is therefor granted by the UNITED STATES unto the said Dugald Campbell
the tract of Land above described: To Have and to Hold the said tract of Land, with the appurtenances therof, unto the said Dugald Campbell and his heirs and assigns forever.

In Testimony wherof, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand, at the CITY OF WASHINGTON, the first day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifth.

By the President: R. B. Hayes

By Wm H. Crook , Sec'y.

S. W. Clark , Recorder of the General Land Office.

Land Patent.

Note: Handwritten entries on the form are indicated by bold italics .

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