Land Entry File

$ 2 #
Land Office at Oak Lake, Minn

June 18th , 1872

Mr. Dugald Campbell has this day paid
Two dollars, the Register's and Receiver's fees,
to file a Declaratory Statement, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.

R Reynolds


No. 50

Mr. Dugald Campbell having paid the fees,
has this day filed in this office his Declaratory Statement, No. 50
for N 2 S.E. 4 S 2 N E 4
, section 36
township 138 , of range 43 , containing
160 acres, settled upon May 17th , 1870 , being
im offered.

W. A. Newton


Settler's Receipt for Register's and Receiver's Fees to File a Declaratory Statement (DS).

Note: Handwritten entries on the form are indicated by bold italics .

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