Land Entry File



Land Office at Crookston Minn

Nov , 1879

I, Dugald Campbell , of Becker Co Minn
having filed my application, No. 3421 , for an entry under
Section No. 2289, Revised Statues of the United States, do solemnly swear that I am a married man and a citizen of the United States, that I made DS #50 June 1872 for land now applied for, that I resided thereon from July 1st 1870 to the present time, and have made bone fide improvements thereon
that said application, No. _____ , is made for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation; that said entry is made for my own exclusive benefit, and not directly or indirectly for the benefit or use of any other person or persons whomsoever; and that I have not heretofore had the benefit of the homestead laws that I am prevented by distance from appearing at the Land Office in person.

Dugald Campbell

Sworn to and subscribed this 19th day

of Novemer 1879 , before

John Cromb

Dept Clerk of District Court

Becker Co Minn

NOTE.-If this affidavit be acknowledged before the Clerk of the Court, as provided for by Sec. 2294, U.S. Revised Statues, the Homestead party must expressly state herein that he or some member of his family is resing upon the land applied for, and that bona fide improvement and settlement have been made. He must also state why he is unable to appear at the Land Office.

Affidavit by Settler Making Application for Homestead.

Note: Handwritten entries on the form are indicated by bold italics .

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