1880 Federal Census
Becker County, MN

Film Reel #T9-615

The following table lists the pages numbers for each township, the Supervisor's District, Enumeration District and Enumerator for the 1880 Federal Census of Becker County, Minnesota. The table includes information for that part of the White Earth Indian Reservation located in Polk County, MN also on Film Number T9-615.

 Pages TownshipSupervisor's
92A-96ARichwood3181E. E. Abbott
96B-99B Burlington3181E. E. Abbott
100A-101B Erie3181E. E. Abbott
102A Unorganized Townships3181E. E. Abbott
103A-108B Village of Detroit3182Francis C. Choate
109A-111A Detroit Township3182Francis C. Choate
112A-113B Lake View3183Francis C. Choate
114A-114B Village of Audubon3183Lester C. McKinstry
115A-119A Oak Lake3183Lester C. McKinstry
120A-122B Lake Eunice3183Lester C. McKinstry
123A-128B Lake Park3184Christen E. Bjorge
129A-131A Cormorant3184Christen E. Bjorge
132A-135B Cuba3185T. K. Torgerson
136A-139A Hamden3185T. K. Torgerson
139B-141B Atlanta3185T. K. Torgerson
142A-145B White Earth Agency3219Truman A. Warren
146A-151B White Earth Reservation
in Becker County
3219Truman A. Warren
152A-153B White Earth Rreservation
in Polk County
3219Truman A. Warren

NOTE: Pages 102B, 111B, 119B and 131B are blank.

Copyright © 2000 - 2002 by Dick Campbell

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Last updated: April 12, 2002